PRETIL platform

Leaders: Gérald Dherbomez

Scientific leader: Maan El Badaoui El Najjar


The PRETIL platform which is one of the Equipex+ TIRREX (PIA3) platforms (and of its predecessor Equipex ROBOTEX) aims to offer researchers in the field of robotics, intelligent transport and mobility of equipment at the cutting edge of technology while ensuring availability, maintenance and evolution. The financial investment for the platform’s equipment is aroud 2 million euros over the last 10 years and the platform currently supports several European projects (CoBra, SPEED, X2RAIL2, CIRMAP), has had in the last 3 years several national and regional contracts (PIA PSPC VASCO, MATRICE project, CPER ELSAT2020, CPER DATA Controlhub, ANR COMOROS, ANR LOCSP…) and industrial (COBOFISH, Champibot, CIFRE Veolia, robotics TDR…). For the period 2021-2030, the PRETIL platform is in charge of managing and supporting the investments of the PIA 3 TIRREX, and the Hauts-de-France RITMEA and Cornelia CPERs.