Administrative services are located on the 1 st floor of the ESPRIT building.
They consist of:
-Management secretariat Assistant to the management team and the unit’s general secretary. Contact: Anne-Sophie FARDOUX
-Project Engineering and Research Development Department Study, support and coordination of research projects and their development. Contact: Myriam CAUDRELIER
-Financial department Support with financial procedures and operations. Manager: M/Mme Contact: Nathalie AINI, Alexandre DESQUESNE, Bénédicte FIEVET, Alexandre LIPPERT, Sonia WASKOWIAK
-Human Resources Department This service is specifically aimed at:
contract staff: assistance with administrative procedures in relation to CNRS and University central services. Contact: Dominique DEREMETZ
doctoral students: personalised support for doctoral students in conjunction with the Doctoral School. Contact: Bénédicte FIEVET
-**Internal/External Communications
Disseminates information, updates news and communication media. Contact: Caroline DHERBOMEZ
Provision of communication brochures and CRIStAL logo items. Contact: Anne-Sophie FARDOUX
Helping to organise scientific events, conferences and themed schools. Contact: Alexandre DESQUESNE
-Logistics Division Responsible for the upkeep of the premises, mail delivery, light building maintenance and logistical support for certain meetings and events. Contact: Sébastien MARTELLEUR
Dominique Deremetz