GL : Software Engineering

Leaders : Simon Bliudze

The GL thematic group conducts research in the field of software engineering. In particular, we focus on solutions for managing changing requirements and dynamic environments, for designing scalable and self-adaptive software systems, for modularising and remodularising software, and for designing resilient runtime environments. We cover a broad spectrum of research activities in the software engineering life cycle, from the early phases of modelling and model-driven engineering, to the definition of languages and runtime platforms, as well as software evolution and re-engineering.

The CARBON team is interested in model engineering by studying its relationship with users and all the artefacts involved in the software creation and maintenance process (code, specifications, models, photos, etc.).

The objectives of the Evref team are to study and support the ongoing evolution of large software systems along three main lines : (1) analyses and approaches for the migration and evolution of legacy systems, (2) new tools to support day-to-day evolution, and (3) infrastructure to build languages that faciliate software evolution.

Spirals conducts research in the fields of distributed systems and software science. Spirals aims to introduce more automation into the adaptation mechanisms of software systems, in particular, to ensure the transition from adaptive to self-adaptive systerms. In this context, the team is targeting two properties : self-optimisation and self-protection. With self-optimisation, Spirals aims to share, collect and analyse distributed behaviour and data in order to continuously adapt, optimise and maintain software systems in working conditions. With self-protection, Spirals aims to automate as far as possible the security of software systems in the face of mobile threats.


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