GL : Software Engineering


Model Driven Engineering and Human Computer Interaction for efficient diagrams in Software Engineering

Leaders: Cédric Dumoulin



The CARBON research team focuses on software modeling and its relationship with users and all the artifacts involved in the software creation and maintenance process (code, specifications, models, photos, etc.). Until now, these relationships have been disregarded by the scientific community, resulting in significant obstacles to the adoption of model-driven engineering. That’s why we want to propose a new approach to MDE that completely rethinks the place of modeling activities and artifacts.

To do this, we focus on the following areas :

  • Synchronization and cooperation between the various artifacts used in software design
  • Adapting the visual notation of a model to the task and the profile of the people involved
  • Redefining interaction patterns for modeling activities and associated tasks
  • Use AI-based approaches to facilitate the design of IDM processes: model and metamodel design assistant; use of generative AI for model transformation and model-to-code transition
  • Provide relevant and effective means of interaction to manipulate artifacts by exploiting their cooperation, while choosing the most suitable interaction devices.

Our aim is to provide the building blocks, best practices and frameworks for these software design environments.




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Une approche d'ingénierie basée sur des jumeaux numériques pour la conception, l'analyse et l'amélioration des organisations

Les autres équipes du groupe thématique ' GL '

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