CO2 : Control and scientific Computing

Leaders : Jérémie Dequidt

The challenge of CO2 lies in its interdisciplinary nature. While keeping rooted in their disciplinary fields, the CO2 teams intend to bridge the gap between scientific computation and control. Our current research follows three major directions:

• robust control and estimation (control sciences, team SHOC and joint Inria team VALSE),

• algebraic, polynomial or high performance computing (computer sciences, team CFHP),

• real-time modelling for the control of deformable robots (joint Inria team DEFROST).

Although research in CO2 has a strong mathematical background, our strategic intent is to enroll it in various interdisciplinary fields of application:

• cyber-physical systems and communication (networked/embedded systems, Internet of things);

• robotics (soft robots, collaboration, interaction, surgery);

• fluid mechanics and micro/nano-technologies (boundary layer control);

• mathematics (homogeneity, matrix functions, differential algebra);

• biology and information (biologial modeling, ‘living sensors’);

• electrical engineering (power converters, sensorless control)…


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