CO2 : Control and scientific Computing

SHOC team

Hybrid Systems, Observation and Control

Leader: Mihaly Petreczky



SHOC conducts research in the fields of control engineering and systems theory.

The main focus of the team lies on the development of mathematical and methodological tools for control, analysis, estimation, and design of complex systems which are involving dynamics of a heterogeneous nature.

The members of SHOC contribute to cutting edge research in areas of Control Theory, including hybrid dynamical systems (simultaneous presence of discrete and continuous dynamics), data-driven controllers (interaction of physical systems with neural controllers) and heterogeneous distributed parameter systems (e.g. coupling of Ordinary Differential Equations – ODEs - with Partial Differential Equations - PDEs).

Algebraic tools and Lyapunov based methods are developed for realization theory, model reduction, stability analysis, control/observation design, and estimation problems.



Antoine Alessandrini

Conception de nouvelles méthodes de contrôle permettant de préserver la compliance des robots déformables tout en leur conférant de bonnes performances

Bassim Maaloul

Commande des systèmes affines à commutation

Tychique Nzalalemba kabwangala

Modélisation de la dynamique du mouvement : combinaison des modèles théoriques et des modèles des données expérimentales

Elie Rouphael

Théorie de la réalisation pour le contrôle adaptatif et l'estimation des systèmes hybrides

Les autres équipes du groupe thématique ' CO2 '