Le vendredi 17 mars, 19h, conférence de Pierre BOULET, professeur, Université de Lille - sciences et technologies : s'inspirer du cerveau pour calculer, les architectures neuromorphiques.


Rémi Auguste, PhD in computer science, Laboratoire CRIStAL, Université Lille Sciences et Technologies, won the public prize in the Docteur-Entrepreneur competition organized by AEF during the RUE 2017. He is the founder of the start-up weaverize (weaverize.com) housed in the Plaine-Images …


CNRS (Press release) - March 7, 2017 Ikonikat is part of the VISUALL-tek project, a library of tools for collectively interrogating images. They are the result of an interdisciplinary dialogue between social science researchers and computer scientists specializing in human-computer interaction, …


Pharo sprint

March 3, 2017

We will organize a Pharo sprint / Moose dojo March, 03, starting at 10:00am. (Local Time Paris). Goals of this sprint: - Clean issue tracker to prepare for release Pharo6 - remove Pharo6 tag from not-important cases - Check Pharo5 Issues and pending back-ports


INOCS team members Diego Cattaruzza, Maxime Ogier and Frédéric Semet together with Nabil Absi and Dominique Feillet (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne) have been awarded the 1st prize in the category scientific prize in the context of the Roadef/EURO Challenge 2016 organised in collaboration with …


Pharo TechTalk

February 28, 2017

A regular chat about Pharo. Happens on Discord. The Tech talks are open to both members and non-members! Topic: Reflectivity We will send an information to all subscribers some hours before the talk starts.


Plus de 300 participants français et étrangers, réunis en Hauts-de-France, région pionnière de la Troisième révolution industrielle – Des participants provenant de plus de 30 pays. – Plus de 1 000 rendez-vous. – Jusqu’à 15 rendez-vous qualifiés par participant sur 2 jours. – Des visites …


Active Brain Computer Interfaces (ICOs) enable a person to exercise direct, voluntary control over a computer system by interpreting its brain activity: certain brain signals are captured so that the system can recognise specific imagined actions (movements, images, concepts). ICOs and their users …


I see it, I demonstrate it, but do I understand it? One of the fascinating things about mathematics is that it conceals countless truths that are both quite simple and highly unexpected. Here are eight astonishing examples.

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