You are all invited to the 2019 annual meeting of the Group 'Control and Scientific Computing' of CRIStAL. This year the CO2 meeting will be organized as an Interactive (laptop) session based on presentations given by PhD students. The interactive presentation will take place during a 2 hours …


Artificial intelligence (AI) is very much a part of people's everyday lives today, and it is essential to provide explanations of the predictions and decisions made by AI systems. The aim of this alliance, bringing together regional academic players in Hauts-de-France, is to boost the attractiveness …


Logipedia: Towards a wikipedia of formal demonstrations. Formal demonstrations, that is to say computerized, have become a central tool in computing (safety, security, etc.) and mathematics. However, each system – Coq, HOL Light, Isabelle/HOL, PVS… – implements its language and theory, limiting …


HAID 2019 is a workshop, meeting point between three communities: haptics, audio and interaction design. On this edition, the organizers want to focus on the relations between industry and the academic world. The first day will be devoted to exchanges between researchers and companies, with a …


The theme of this session is “Music, Time and Computer Programs”, with the participation of: - Martin Carlé, /Accessing the totality of Turin’s theory of ancient Greek music through literate programming/ - Jean-Louis Giavitto, /Time, chronologies, cuelists and clotheslines in mixed music/ - …


Géry Casiez and Mathieu Nancel from the Loki team have won the Google Faculty Research Awards for their project entitled "Real-time Latency Measure and Compensation". Participants must first be supported by two Google employees, and then the application follows a rigorous evaluation process. The …


You know, participated in a JEIA, day of computer science and algorithmic teaching. For this 5th edition, we are preparing a special AI JEIA, artificial intelligence, with conferences related to AI in the morning and workshops, related to AI - or not, in the afternoon.


"Parcoursup" is the national platform for admission to the first year of higher education, set up in 2018 following the vote of the ORE law, replacing APB (Admission Post-Bac). This platform connects higher education courses (bachelor's degrees, BTS, IUTs, schools, preparatory courses, etc...) with …


Colloque humAIn

February 8, 2019

This conference is part of the Hauts-de-France alliance in Artificial Intelligence «humAIn» (Artificial Intelligence at the service of humans). This alliance was born from a collaboration between the CNRS, the Ecole Centrale de Lille, Inria, the IMT Lille-Douai, the University of Artois, the …


Fermion point processes were introduced by Odile Macchi in 1975 to model the spatial distribution of fermions in optical beams. Since then, these point processes have lived a life of their own in physics, probability, statistics, machine learning, and signal processing, often being renamed …
