Ms YUAN YUAN for her thesis entitled "Models and Algorithms for Last Kilometer Delivery Problems with Multiple Shipping Options", carried out at Centrale Lille Institut CRIStAL laboratory under the supervision of Professor F. SEMET and co-supervised by Professors Diego CATTARUZZA and Maxime OGIER. …


Artificial intelligence can make previously inaccessible astrophysical phenomena visible. This has been proven by scientists from CNRS, IRAM, Observatoire de Paris-PSL, and Ecole Centrale Marseille and Ecole Centrale Lille, brought together in the ORION-B1 program. In a series of three papers …


The prize is awarded to Christian Duriez, Inria Research Director, head of Defrost, a joint research team at the Inria Lille - Nord Europe center and the Lille Research Center for Computer Science, Signals and Automation (CNRS/Université de Lille/Inria/Centrale Lille/IMT Lille Douai).


The Automation and Electrical Systems (ASE) Master's degree, supported by the L2EP and CRIStAL research units, was presented at the annual forum of deans of electrical engineering faculties at Chinese universities. It was thus recognized as a benchmark.


IT researchers from the Inria Lille - Nord-Europe Research Centre are engaged in a strategy to get digital companies using opensource software. The Pharo programming language was the focus of attention from a wide range of scientists at a masterclass presented by Stéphane Ducasse, an …


Eulalie Coevoet, a researcher at the CRIStAL laboratory, has been awarded first prize for the best thesis 2019 by the GDR Robotique for her thesis entitled: "Inverse model of flexible robots based on optimization methods, with consideration of contacts". This thesis was supervised by Christian …


Launch of ERC Blackjack

November 5, 2020

ERC Starting Grant winner Rémi BARDENET, research fellow at CNRS, has been awarded a grant of almost 1.5 million euros for the "BLACKJACK" research project.


Valérie Masson-Delmotte, renowned paleoclimatologist, will be holding a themed conference on climate change on October 01, 2020.


The start-up "Le Chemin des Mûres" has created an intelligent transport solution for the distribution of local agricultural produce. Its tailor-made software calculates optimized end-to-end routes, enabling producers to pool their deliveries, saving time and money while strengthening the local …


2 Seas projects _ The 2 Seas Programme currently counts 82 projects, all contributing to the innovative, sustainable and inclusive development of the 2 Seas area. In this issue of the newsletter, we learn how COBRA and MOTION have contributed to specific objective 1.2 of Interreg 2 Seas, …

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