Thesis of Hanaë Rateau

Exploring Interactive Sub-spaces for gestural midair interaction

This dissertation focuses on how to exploit gestural midair interaction to extend the possibilities of existing devices by using interactive spaces. The starting point is in the nonverbal communication theory of proxemics introduced by Eward T. Hall who stated that our perception of space is dynamic. From this, I argue that we could apply this dynamic understanding of space to interactive spaces. I propose a novel concept of interaction and an associated design framework for interactive spaces : Mimetic Interaction Space (MIS). To show the prospects MIS gives for midair interaction, I propose three instantiations of the concept that uses it in different ways. The first one is the use of MISs as a standalone interface the control of a remote display. The second instantiation is the use of one or several MIS tied up to the tablet in two ways. First by cutting out the MIS in multiple ones. The second way of using a MIS linked to the tablet is by considering it as a continuation of the tablet screen around it. The third instantiation is in the context of interaction on wall displays where a MIS is placed right in front of the screen and has the role of a transition space from touch to midair interaction. This MIS allows for a continuous transition between the physical and direct nature of touch interaction, and the more abstract nature of midair interaction. I finally conclude by discussing the future of interfaces regarding midair gestures. I also discuss a facet of MIS that opens a novel way to think about MIS interaction.


- Directeur de thèse : Laurent Grisoni - Rapporteurs : Kris Luyten, Philippe Palanque - Examinateurs : Caroline Appert, Fanny Chevalier, Laurence Duchien

Thesis of the team MINT defended on 17/05/2017