Thesis of Amor Ben Tanfous

Sparse Representations in the Shape Manifold for Human Trajectories Classification and Generation.

Designing intelligent systems to understand video content has been a hot research topic in the past few decades since it helps compensate the limited human capabilities of analyzing videos in an efficient way. In particular, human behavior understanding in videos is receiving a huge interest due to its many potential applications. At the same time, the detection and tracking of human landmarks in video streams has gained in reliability partly due to the availability of affordable RGB-D sensors. This infer time-varying geometric data which play an important role in the automatic human motion analysis. However, such analysis remains challenging due to enormous view variations, inaccurate detection of landmarks, large intra- and inter- class variations, and insufficiency of annotated data. In this thesis, we propose novel frameworks to classify and generate 2D/3D sequences of human landmarks. We first represent them as trajectories in the shape manifold which allows for a view-invariant analysis. However, this manifold is nonlinear and thereby standard computational tools and machine learning techniques could not be applied in a straightforward manner. As a solution, we exploit notions of Riemannian geometry to encode these trajectories based on sparse coding and dictionary learning. This not only overcomes the problem of nonlinearity of the manifold but also yields sparse representations that lie in vector space, that are more discriminative and less noisy than the original data. We study intrinsic and extrinsic paradigms of sparse coding and dictionary learning in the shape manifold and provide a comprehensive evaluation on their use according to the nature of the data (i.e. face or body in 2D or 3D). Based on these sparse representations, we present two frameworks for 3D human action recognition and 2D micro- and macro- facial expression recognition and show that they achieve competitive performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art. Finally, we design a generative model allowing to synthesize human actions. The main idea is to train a generative adversarial network to generate new sparse representations that are then transformed to pose sequences. This framework is applied to the task of data augmentation allowing to improve the classification performance. In addition, the generated pose sequences are used to guide a second framework to generate human videos by means of pose transfer of each pose to a texture image. We show that the obtained videos are realistic and have better appearance and motion consistency than a recent state-of-the-art baseline.


M. Boulbaba BEN AMOR IMT Lille Douai, Directeur de thèse Mme Alice CAPLIER Grenoble INP, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Rapporteur M. Sylvain CALINON Idiap Research Institute, Rapporteur M. Hassen DRIRA IMT Lille Douai, Examinateur M. Josef KITTLER University of Surrey, Examinateur Mme Bernadette DORIZZI Télécom SudParis, Examinateur

Thesis of the team 3D SAM defended on 03/12/2019