The Lille bioinformatics platform is organizing a one-day workshop on Third Generation Sequencing. After a first revolution in the middle 2000, with the apparition of high throughput sequencers, the genetics and genomics is now living a second revolution with the access to a new generation of …


8th edition of the thematic school Archi . Architecture of hardware and embedded software systems, and associated design methods. This thematic school organized every two years focuses on the study and analysis of existing means, methods and tools for the design of hardware computer system …


The first host site in France of the Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint, will take place on 4 and 5 June 2015 in the CRIStAL Laboratory (Council Room). This event creates a dynamic to work on open-science projects, including Bluelatex, an open-source Latex editor written in Scala and AngularJS. All …


«Computational social choice»: The theory of social choice aims at the construction and analysis of methods for collective decision; it is an important branch of mathematical economics. Typical examples of collective decision-making include elections of political representatives; secular votes (for …


The last few years have seen a lot of activity on the Linux Kernel Mailing List around the Linux Scheduler. Among others, ARM Ltd. has developed solutions for efficient scheduling on heterogeneous (big.LITTLE) architectures; The RETIS Laboratory of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy) has …



May 4, 2015

Clément Quinton, winner of the GPR-GPL (Programming and Software Engineering) Award. Clément Quinton completed his thesis in the ADAM team, from 2011 to 2014, under the direction of Laurence Duchien. He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Politecnico di Milano in the department headed by …


ZDNet interview with Pierre Boulet, our Deputy Director and Head of the Emerald team, about the 50th anniversary of Moore's Law: will the industry lose its favourite roadmap? Pierre Boulet answers Louis Adam's questions.


"Formal methods as a link between legal rules and software code: the case of privacy " Abstract: The rapid evolution of the technological landscape and the impact of information technologies on the everyday life of citizens raise new challenges which cannot be tackled by a purely technological …


The jury of the AI Thesis Prize chaired by Luis Farinas del Cerro awarded: - An Accessit at the 2015 IA Thesis Prize (2nd place ex-aequo) to Victor Gabillon (Directors: Mohammad Ghavamzadeh & Philippe Preux), Budgeted Iteration Algorithms on Policies Obtained by Classification, LIFL & Inria …

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