The MOOC «Programmation objet immersive en Pharo/ Live Object Programming in Pharo» will soon be available on the France Université Numérique platform. This 7-week bilingual French/English course will be taught by Stéphane Ducasse (Inria), Damien Cassou (Université de Lille, CRIStAL, Inria) and …
READ MORESupport and promote the Tour de France project in a wheelchair. Khalil Ibrahim HAMZAOUI, 33, PhD student in computer science at CRIStAL, has the project to realize the first Tour de France Scientifique in a wheelchair. In 1983, Khalil was affected by polio with paraplegic sequelae. Khalil …
READ MOREThe General Assembly of the unit will take place Friday, January 29, 2016 at 14 hours. Location: IUT A - Amphi 1A 14 (ground floor).
READ MOREAuditorium IRCICA, parc scientifique de la Haute Borne à Villeneuve d’Ascq ###"Black-Box Control in Theory and Applications" The control problem is the problem of regulating some process in order to achieve some control goals. Examples can be from economics, spaceflight, medicine, robotics, …
READ MOREOn 1 January 2016, Hélène Touzet became acting director of the Research Group (GDR) Molecular Bioinformatics (BIM). She succeeds Éric Rivals.
READ MOREThe animation by artist and musician Zviane and the research team Algomus is an original visualization of harmonic functions, that is, chords and their sequences, in the beginning of a Mozart piano sonata. The emerging Algomus team, led by Mathieu Giraud, a CNRS researcher, is a collaboration …
READ MORE"Towards natural interactions between users and artificial agents" Recent technological advances now make it possible to interact with computer systems in a wide variety of contexts. The new generation of systems will take advantage of these new modes of interaction, which are already found in …
READ MOREOn December 8, 4 freshly retired CNRS agents were awarded the CNRS Medal of Honour by Françoise Paillous, Regional Delegate and their Unit Director. The CNRS has created this medal to honour those who have contributed to its influence, either directly through their scientific activity or indirectly …