Dynamic consensus in heterogeneous networks

on March 29, 2017 at 3:00 pm

Speaker : Dr. Elena Panteley

In this talk we present a new analysis framework for the study of synchronization of heterogeneous nonlinear systems, interconnected over networks described by directed graphs. Heterogeneous systems may have different dynamical models or the same model with different parameters. We introduce the concept of dynamic consensus, which characterizes the synchronization behavior of the network in terms of the stability properties of two interconnected dynamical systems that evolve in orthogonal spaces: one corresponds to the synchronization error dynamics and the second, to the so-called emergent dynamics. Such an approach allows us not only to formulate conditions for practical asymptotic synchronization of heterogeneous networked systems, but to characterize their collective behaviour as well. We wrap up the talk with a discussion on open problems and future research directions.

Inria Lille, Salle plénière

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