PharoDays is both a conference and coding session around Pharo technologies. It occurs this year in Lille on 18th and 19th May and is organized by the RMoD team. It gathers academic and industrial to discuss and show the last achievements in the language itself or around the environment. More than …
READ MOREOverview: A number of modern applications of sequential decision making require developing strategies that are adaptive to the underlying structure of the data (graph, network, etc) and robust to change of the signal. This includes recommender systems incorporating social network information, …
READ MOREPierre Bourhis, a research fellow in the Links project-team (jointly run by CNRS, Université de Lille - sciences et technologies and Université de Lille - sciences humaines et sociales*), has been awarded the Best Paper Award for Track B at the ICALP conference to be held in July. The award …
READ MOREThe Fédération de Recherche "Transports Terrestres et Mobilité" (FR TTM) was inaugurated on April 28 at the IEMN. Supported by the CNRS, the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis, the University of Lille and Centrale Lille, the FR TTM aims to structure research dedicated to land transport …
READ MOREIn this talk we present a new analysis framework for the study of synchronization of heterogeneous nonlinear systems, interconnected over networks described by directed graphs. Heterogeneous systems may have different dynamical models or the same model with different parameters. We introduce the …
READ MOREThe seven platforms in the Hauts-de-France region (Revica, Translife, Si-lab, Industrilab, La Serre Numérique, IrDIVE and PIRVI) have decided to coordinate their communications by producing a joint booklet presenting the expertise, equipment and specific features of each platform.
READ MOREDécouvrez les possibilités de l’intégration des mesures synchrones du regard et du mouvement au sein de la plateforme EquipEx IrDive lors d'une journée dédiée aux nouveaux développements théoriques et technologiques en la matière