CRIStAL and Inria welcomed around forty students from ENS Rennes from Tuesday 7 to Thursday 9 January. The students were able to talk to over forty colleagues (postdocs, research engineers, researchers and teacher-researchers) from CRIStAL, Inria and IRCICA. These exchanges were particularly …


The French battle card game conceals unsuspected mathematical subtleties. In particular, Knowing whether or not there are infinite games depending on the strategy of the players is proving to be surprisingly difficult. Jean-Paul Delahaye and Philippe Mathieu 'Pour la Science' article no. 567.


During the week of 16 to 20 December, the CRIStAL laboratory welcomed fifteen girls from the 3rd year of secondary school for an 'IT for Women' observation course. The students were accompanied by a mentor and were able to take part in a range of workshops enabling them to find out more about the IT …


According to the standard cosmological model, around 95% of the Universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy. What are these mysterious components of the Universe ? Why are they necessary according to the standard model, and how can they be studied when they are, a priori, invisible ? How can …


On 4 December, at the BioFIT, MedFIT and MEDgIT trade fairs in Lille Grand Palais, the MINIM AI project "a platform to facilitate the deployment and customisation of sensor networks", led by Romain Belmonte and Fabio Mongio, came 3rd in the first edition of the University Innovation Pole (PUI) Lille …


The Board of Directors of the Fondation University of Lille on 27 November. On this occasion, the directors selected 11 projects from among those submitted in the 3rd and final wave of the 2024 call for support, including the Pharo project. Pharo: a dynamic, reflexive and immersive language, …


The aim of this prize is to highlight the projects and research teams working to develop and disseminate open source software and to contribute to the construction of a vital common good. It highlights outstanding achievements that are likely to inspire both the scientific community and society as a …


Digital is on everyone's lips these days. Its universality (and its name!) comes from the coding of all types of information, including programmes, in the form of numbers. These numbers are represented in the form of sequences of 'bits' (binary digits that can take the values 0 or 1). So any …


Salon MedFIT

November 21, 2024

Come and see and listen to the project review featuring Hakim Si-Mohammed from CRIStAL's BCI team on ‘CYBERSICKNESS’. The RéVER is offering you 10 free places. Your registration entitles you to a badge for access to the MEDFIT exhibition. This badge costs money and places are limited. Please …


In collaboration with several European institutions, this ambitious project aims to revolutionise virtual reality (VR) systems by tackling a major problem: cybersickness, an ailment often experienced when using VR. Using an approach based on neurophysiological signals, GENESIS hopes to make the …

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