Thesis of Jérémy Sadet

Optimisation robuste du crissement sous variabilités topographiques des surfaces de contact

Despite numerous works over the past two decades, friction-induced vibrations, especially braking noises, are a major issue for transportation manufacturers as well as for the scientific community. To study these fugitive phenomena, the engineers need numerical methods to efficiently predict the mode coupling instabilities in a multiparametric context. The objective is to approximate the unstable frequencies and the associated damping rates extracted from a complex eigenvalue analysis under variability. To achieve this, a deep Gaussian process is considered to fit the non-linear and non-stationary evolutions of the real and imaginary parts of complex eigenvalues. The current challenge is to build an efficient surrogate modelling, considering a small training set. A discussion about the sample distribution density effect, the training set size and the kernel function choice is proposed. The results are compared to those of a Gaussian process and a deep neural network. A focus is made on several deceptive predictions of surrogate models, although the better settings were well chosen in theory. Finally, the deep Gaussian process is investigated in a multiparametric analysis to identify the best number of hidden layers and neurons, allowing a precise approximation of the behaviours of complex eigensolutions.


Neron David, Nathalie Bartoli, Franck Massa, El-Ghazali Talbi, Thierry Tison, Jean-jacques Sinou, Isabelle Turpin

Thesis of the team BONUS defended on 20/06/2022