Thesis of Pierre Olivier

Modelling and analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a PEM electrolysis system under intermittent operating mode: a Bond Graph approach

PEM Electrolysis is a technology which to enable to face two major challenges : (i) Fulfill the need of energy storage caused by the integration of intermittent energy sources on electricity networks; (ii) Cope with the growing need of carbon free hydrogen caused by the future market applications of hydrogen energy. These particular needs, regarding electrolysis technology development, involve an intermittent operating mode which impacts on the dynamic behavior of the system remain unknown. Modelling is a critical tool to understand these issues and provide a thorough analysis. State of the art of existing modelling works highlighted that only a few models take into account the dynamic of the whole system including Balance of Plant. Therefore a new dynamic and multiphysic model was developed under Bond Graph formalism. This graphical modelling formalism was selected especially thanks to its ability to represent any kind of power exchange in a unified way. The model enables to represent the whole system including balance of plant and associated control laws. It is validated on the dynamic behavior of an experimental device available in CEA. The model is then used in order to identify and understand the issues related to intermittent operation of a PEM electrolysis system. These issues are related to system efficiency, flexibility, reliability, safety and durability. Regarding these issues, some design changes are simulated and assessed. Finally, the Bond Graph model and its structural properties enable to perform diagnosis and monitorability analyses of a PEM electrolysis system.


Directeurs de thèse : Pr Belkacem Ould Bouamama Ecole Polytechnique, Lille Ing Cyril Bourasseau Ingénieur R&D – Chef de Projet CEA, Liten Rapporteurs : Prof. Wolfgang Borutzky, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Prof. Yann Bultel, LEPMI, UMR 5279 CNRS-Grenoble INP Examinateurs : Prof. Daniel Hissel, Directeur FR FCLAB Belfort Dr Fabien AUPRETRE, Directeur technique CTO d’Areva H2GEN Dr Marion Chandesris, Chargée de recherche CEA, Liten

Thesis of the team defended on 14/12/2016