Thesis of Zhifan Jiang

Evaluation of mobility and geometric modeling of female pelvic system by medical image analysis

The better treatment of female pelvic mobility disorders has a social impact affecting particularly aged women. It is in this context that this thesis focuses on the development of methods in medical image analysis, for the evaluation of pelvic mobility and the geometric modeling of the pelvic organs. For this purpose, we provide solutions based on the registration of deformable models on Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). All the results are able to detect the shape and quantify the movement of a part of the organs and to reconstruct their surfaces from patient-specific MRI. This work facilitates the simulation of the behavior of the pelvic organs using finite element method. The objective of these developed tools is to help to better understand the mechanism of the pathologies. They will finally allow to better predict the presence of certain diseases, as well as make surgical procedures more accurate and personalized.


Directeur de thèse : Mathias BRIEU Rapporteurs : Emmanuel PROMAYON, Marc FRANÇOIS Examinateurs : Zhi-Qiang FENG, Pauline LECOMTE-GROSBRAS, Jérémie DEQUIDT

Thesis of the team DEFROST defended on 27/01/2017