Team SyNeR deals with the robust estimation and control of dynamical systems (mainly, differential equations and difference equations) presenting various difficulties: nonlinear phenomena (no superposition/separation property), time-delay effects (differential-difference equations, with infinite dimension), hybrid flow-and-jump behaviors (discrete/impulsive modes together with continuous states) … It houses the Inria project-team Non-A (Non-Asymptotic estimation for online systems), focused on finite-time convergence algorithms, and rooted in both the homogeneity concept (including sliding modes) and algebraic tools.
SyNeR considers various interdisciplinary application fields such as:
Control and estimation in fixed time and finite time via Lyapunv function and implicit 19/11/2018
Contrôle non linéaire actif d'écoulements turbulents décollés : Théorie et expérimentations. 11/12/2017
Control and observation of switched affine systems 18/09/2017
Modélisation et synchronisation : des rythmes cellulaires au comportement de l'huître 22/09/2016
Identification and Control of Position-controlled Robot Arm in the Presence of Joint Flexibility 24/03/2016
Identification et commande en ligne des robots avec utilisation de différentiateurs algébriques 17/12/2015
Supervision control of mobile robots 08/12/2015
Robust control for time varying parameters systems 12/12/2014
Stratégies de contrôle des paramètres climatiques sous verre 16/06/2014
Analyse de performance de régulateurs de vitesse adaptatifs coopératifs 24/03/2014