The goal of RMoD is to support remodularization and development of modular object-oriented applications. This objective is tackled from two complementary perspectives: reengineering and constructs for dynamic programming languages.
In the reengineering perspective we propose new analyses to understand and restructure existing large applications (specialized package metrics, adapted visualizations, layer identifications) on top of Moose (an open-source reengineering platform). We work on rule identification, validation. We created Synectique a company deploying tools that support software analyses. In the construct context We are revisiting language concepts such as modules, composition,Â… In addition we are working on new generation reflective systems. These programming language constructs are experimented on Pharo.
We are developing Pharo a dynamically-typed and reflective pure object-oriented language. Pharo is used in several universities worldwide, by research groups and companies. is an industrial consortium that supports Pharo.
Outils basés sur l'exploration de données pour soutenir la mise à jour des bibliothèques 28/10/2022
Analyse multi-facettes et opérationnelle pour lå transformation des systèmes d’information 24/06/2022
Bootstrap-based Language Development: Turning an existing VM into a polyglot VM 05/11/2021
Réutilisation d'artefacts de code embarqué par refactoring 26/11/2019
Mise à jour dynamique pour environnements de production et programmation interactive 17/12/2018
Support for the renovation of a legacy software architecture: a real case at Thales Air Systems 26/06/2018
A Modular Approach to Object Initialization for Pharo 24/11/2017
Sista: a Metacircular Architecture for Runtime Optimisation Persistence 15/09/2017
Assessing and Improving Code Transformations to Support Software Evolution 28/02/2017
Security in Reflective Languages 27/11/2015
Virtualisation pour Specialisation et Extension d’Environnements d’Execution 13/04/2015
Quality driven object-oriented software remodularization 04/11/2014
Vers des machines virtuelles autodescrites 16/05/2014
Le débogage à distance et la réflexion dans les dispositifs à ressources limitées 19/12/2013
Software dynamic remodularization for embedeed systems 29/10/2012
Aide à l'intégration des applications orientée-object 27/09/2012
Analyse et remédiation des dépendances entre paquetages dans les systèmes orientés objet 17/06/2011
iSTOA, modèle notionnel de guidage macroscopique de l'apprentissage 01/07/2010