The ‘Imagerie couleur’ team develops automatic image analysis methods that represent colour and/or multispectral information in natural scenes. Its researchers focus on:
Future work will focus on tensor modelling of multichannel images acquired by cameras with different characteristics.
The main fields of application that have been tackled recently include:
The experimental developments were carried out using acquisition devices made available by the Equipex IrDIVE and the ‘Sciences et Cultures du Visuel’ Research Federation.
Ludovic Macaire
Analyse de vidéos multi-spectrales pour la reconnaissance de textures déformables observées par une caméra de type snapshot
Demosaicing and classification of multi-spectral images 22/11/2018
Edge detection on Bayer CFA image. 21/12/2017
Dimensional measurement of metallic object by 3D vision 23/11/2016