More information about the H2020 ICT day on December 5, for which CRIStAL is a partner.
READ MORELille's Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique and the regional development and innovation agency, are organizing a day to raise awareness of the protection of digital creations and open source.
READ MOREResearchers are working on deformable automata capable of exploring the ocean like our own bodies. We take a closer look at the most advanced projects.
READ MOREWomen in digital Several CRIStAL research teachers are involved in the organization of the Digital'Elles day at EuraTechnologies to introduce young girls to the digital professionsorganized by IBM Services Center and EuraTechnologies with the support of CORIF and the regional delegation for …
READ MORESymmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices, in particular covariance matrices, play important roles in many areas of mathematics and statistics, with numerous applications in various different fields, including machine learning, brain imaging, and computer vision. The set of SPD matrices is not a …
READ MOREThe SeqBio days are the annual French-speaking days organized jointly by the GDR BIM (molecular bioinformatics) and the COMATEGE group of the GDR IM (mathematical informatics).
READ MOREThis colloquium is joint with the Philosophy Department. What is the concept of calculation?
READ MOREPostDoc / Project ELSAT 2020 - Fault diagnosis - November 2017
READ MOREThe Village des Sciences will be held from October 5 to 8, 2017 at the Gare Saint Sauveur in Lille, for the third year running (5 and 6 for schoolchildren / 7 and 8 for the general public). "But what do researchers do?" is what they'll be unveiling at this new edition of the Village, a …
READ MORECRIStAL hosts a 2RM Technical Day on the ROS robotic programming environment The national trade network ²RM (Réseau Métier Roboticiens et Mécatroniciens) is organizing a technical day of feedback on the ROS robotics ecosystem. Hosted by the CRIStAL laboratory, this day is co-organized with the …