Launched in 2016, the FOOR event has enabled the creation of a strong «Works and Research» dynamic whose objective is to perpetuate and develop links between researchers and artists. The study days are organised with the aim of discovering emblematic examples of collaborations, exchanging best …


Flexible Robotics Days

November 26, 2019

The GT1 (Robotics and Health), and GT6 (Innovative Design and Mechatronics), the 2RM business network and the CRIStAL laboratory organize 2 working days around flexible robotics (Soft Robotics).


Title: The revenge of analog calculation. Abstract: It turns out that if you simply know what is 0, 1, -1, as well as an addition, and a multiplication, and if you remember what is an ordinary differential equation, then you can (re-)define, (re-)discover and program many concepts of …


From 4 to 8 November 2019, the 2RM business network is organising training on the implementation of learning techniques («deep learning») for robotics. The training is supported by the robotics GDR and funded by INS2I CNRS and Equipex ROBOTEX.


Following the previous editions, the 8th edition of the International Conference on Systems and Control will be held at Faculty of sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco.


Inscrivez vous au 4ème séminaire humAIn sur la thématique "IA et retail" L'alliance Hauts-de-France en Intelligence Artificielle « humAIn» (Intelligence Artificielle au service de l’humain) a le plaisir de vous inviter pour son quatrième séminaire scientifique


This PhD school is organized by the members of the H2020 Project UCoCoS with the help of the SDH group of GDR MACS. The goal of the training course is to provide an introduction to the domain of Hybrid Dynamical Systems. It is aimed towards Master students in their final phase, PhD students and …


La start-up "Le Chemin des Mûres " a créé une solution de transports intelligents pour la distribution de produits agricoles locaux. Son logiciel sur mesure calcule des tournées optimisées de bout en bout, permettant aux producteurs de mutualiser leurs livraisons et ainsi gagner du temps et de …


The effectiveness of Local Search We present polynomial-time approximation schemes based on local search for facility location, k-median, and k-means in planar graphs or in Euclidean spaces of bounded dimension, where the local neighborhood of a solution consists of modifying the locations of a …


The quaternions, numbers generalizing complex numbers in dimension 4, allow to build a new method of analysis of the frequency and geometric content of gravitational waves and to reveal the dynamics of black hole binaries coalescent. Julien Flamant was interested in this subject during his thesis at …
