Special GdR and ClubEEA thesis prize

on March 30, 2021

Prize for the best theses of the GdR MACS and the Section Automatique of the Club EEA - Session 2021

The jury for the Prix des Meilleures Thèses du GDR MACS et de la Section Automatique du Club EEA, chaired by Franck GUILLEMARD (Stellantis), met on March 24, 2021, by videoconference. The committee would like to highlight the high quality of the 6 entries submitted for this year’s competition. It awarded the Prix des Meilleures Thèses of the GDR MACS and the Section Automatique of the Club EEA to two winners ranked ex-aequo:

  • Édouard LEURENT, for his work as part of a CIFRE thesis between Inria Lille-Nord Europe and Renault, entitled: “Safe and efficient reinforcement learning for behavioral decision-making in autonomous driving” (PhD DATING & CO2).

  • Eva PETITDEMANGE, for her work at the Centre de Génie Industriel, IMT Mines Albi, entitled “SAMUFLUX : Une démarche outillée de diagnostic organisationnel et d’amélioration à base de double numérique”.

The jury also nominated the following candidate:

  • Constantinos KITSOS, for his work at Gipsa-Lab, Grenoble, entitled “Synthèse d’observateurs grand gain pour des systèmes d’EDP”.

The composition of the jury is posted on the GdR website, in the section concerning the 2021 edition.


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