Research Day

on June 28, 2019

The second edition of the research day of the Faculty of Science and Technology will highlight scientific collaborations between the fields of science and technology and the humanities and social sciences.

Thus, during the morning will be presented the scientific achievements and projects resulting from the cooperation between the Centre de recherche en informatique, signal et automatique de Lille (UMR 9189 CRIStAL-FST) and the UMR 9193 Sciences cognitives & Sciences affectives (SCALab-Psychologie) around the digital world. These presentations will feed the reflection on the institutional framework that would promote the development of collaborative projects between components.

Then, in the afternoon, as part of the year of Chemistry 2018-2019, the significant contribution of chemistry to technological applications as well as the understanding of complex phenomena at the interface with biology, physics and medicine will be illustrated through the presentation of work carried out within the Faculty of Science and Technology.

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