Colloquium Polaris 04/25/2019

on April 25, 2019 at 2:00 pm

Speaker : Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc

The IoT fragmentation, issues and opportunities in software engineering research

The IoT creates opportunities for many, novel applications. However, it also create issues due to the fragmentation of the hardware and software running (on) the IoT. This fragmentation makes it difficult to integrate the diverse technologies of the various objects found in IoT systems. Diverse technologies induce interoperability issues while designing and developing various services and applications, hence, limiting the possibility of reusing the data, more specifically, the software (including frameworks, firmware, APIs, user interfaces) as well as of facing issues, like security threats, when developing new applications. Various objects have different capabilities in terms of memory, processing power, and connectivity. In this presentation, we highlight issues due to the lack of interoperability among technologies developed for IoT systems. We also provide guidelines for researchers and practitioners developing IoT systems for new applications. Within the Evidence-based Software Engineering paradigm, we report a SLR of both IoT interoperability issues and the state-of-practice of IoT technologies in the industry, highlighting the integration challenges related to the IoT. We also introduce a possible research avenue to solve these issues through the miniaturization of software systems running (on) the IoT systems. Software miniaturization promises that developers could « write once and run everywhere » their software, shielding them from the IoT fragmentation.


Auditorium IRCICA, 50 avenue Halley, parc scientifique de la Haute Borne à Villeneuve d’Ascq

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