on June 30, 2017 at 2:00 pm

Speaker : Mert BASTUG - Zohra KADER - Andrey POLYAKOV

Mert Bastug (Post-doc SyNeR)

Title: Minimal and Reduced Order Models for Aperiodical Sampled Data Systems

Abstract: Networked and embedded control systems are ubiquitous nowadays in practical applications. The detailed, accurate models for such systems can be very complex due to the interactions of different subsystems in the network, the inherent complexity of the models of the subsystems and due to the sampling phenomenon itself. In turn, the dimension of corresponding state-space models for such systems can be very big. Simulations for control synthesis or performance specifications regarding the output behavior can easily become intractable due to the complexity of the original model. Hence, computing low-order accurate models for such systems can be of great importance. In this presentation, this problem is precisely adressed by studying two main topics for aperiodically sampled-data systems which are used as modeling abstractions for networked control systems: Firstly, we formulate minimal order models capturing the whole behavior of the abstractions of networked control systems with taking into account all possible sampling patterns. Secondly, we investigate a model reduction method for such abstractions, to further simplify their models without losing much of the accuracy.

Zohra Kader (PhD SyNeR)

Title: Robust relay feedback controller design for LTI systems stabilization

Abstract: Relay feedback systems have been widely studied in control theory. Due to their simplicity and robustness, relays represent an interesting substitute to continuous control laws. Generally, the states measurements are subject to perturbations. In addition, in many practical cases, the state of the system is not fully available for measurements. This talk is devoted to the presentation of some results about the stabilization of LTI systems by relay feedback with perturbed measurements. A state-dependent switching law is designed in a robust manner, while taking into account the perturbed states. A design approach for observer-based relay feedback controller will also be presented. The switching law dependent on the estimated states is designed while using a Luenberger observer.

Andrey Polyakov (CR INRIA Non-A/SyNeR)

Title: Relay Control Design using Attractive Ellipsoids Method

Abstract: Based on the attractive ellipsoids method the problem of rejection of both matched and mismatched exogenous disturbances is studied for a linear plants controlled by the generalized relays. Some existing results about local stabilizability as well as matching condition are refined for the system under consideration. The procedure of robust control design for optimal rejection of bounded exogenous disturbances is proposed. The theoretical results are supported with numerical simulations.

Centrale Lille, Salle Laurent (Espace IMAGINE)

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