PharoDays 2017 report

on May 22, 2017

PharoDays took place in Lille on May 18 and 19, 2017. This annual event organized by the RMoD research team with the contribution of the CRIStAL laboratory and INRIA, brings together people from industry and research, working with the Pharo programming language. The two days are structured around technical presentations, debates on the evolution of the language and numerous exchanges between participants.

The first day saw the official release of Pharo version 6, featuring 64-bit support and a virtual machine with enhanced performance. The Internet of Things was also an important theme, with a presentation on programming and remotely correcting a Pharo application running on a Raspberry board. The afternoon was devoted to integrating GIT into Pharo, redesigning GUI components and generating Javascript code from Pharo application code.

Friday morning’s program began with the Pharo 7 project and continued with the theme of web development. Topics covered included the use of the ReactJS and Material Design Lite frameworks with the Seaside application server. The late morning was devoted to Pharo 6’s new browser (Calypso), offering improved ergonomics, enhanced performance and the ability to edit Pharo code in a remote image. The afternoon was devoted to Cargo, Pharo’s future package manager, and to presentations of various projects by members of the Pharo community.

Once again, the event was a real success, with over fifty participants from seventeen different countries. The topics covered demonstrated the growing appeal of the Pharo language and its ecosystem.

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