Memory and archaeology

on January 3, 2017 at 6:00 pm

Speaker : Anne Lehoërff et Laurent Grisoni

By Anne Lehoërff, Professor of Archaeology, Université de Lille - human and social sciences, vice-president of the Conseil national de la recherche archéologique.

Respondent : Laurent Grisoni, Professor of Computer Science, Université de Lille - sciences et technologies.

How does archaeology, the science of the materiality of the past, approach the question of memory? The talk will review the definitions of “archaeology”, “history” and “memory”, placed in the history of research and concepts. It will address these key notions and put them into perspective in the intellectual field in which we work: totally multidisciplinary, profoundly renewed, and necessarily turned towards the history of man, over the very long term, within which memory occupies a place to be discussed.


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