VISUALL-tek - Digital tools for analyzing how images are communicated

on April 7, 2016

Mathias Blanc, project coordinator (IRHiS), François Gabrielli (IRHiS), Cécile Picard-Limpens (IRHiS), Florian Renaut (CRIStAL) and Julien Wylleman (CRIStAL).

Presented at Innovatives SHS 2015, the VisUALL-tek project offers a library of computer applications made up of three software tools: Ikonikat, Coddeix and V-Atlas. Stemming from the fundamental research work of the ANR PDOC VisUALL program (2013-2017) attached to the institut de Recherches historiques du septentrion (iRhis, UMR 8529, CNRs / Université de Lille 3), these tools are the result of an interdisciplinary dialogue between a social sciences researcher and computer science research engineers 1 in connection with VisUALL and the program sciences et Cultures du Visuel program (ERDF, CNRs, Université de Lille 1). The latter benefits from the infrastructure of the Equipex irDiVE (coordinated by the sciences Cognitives et sciences Affectives laboratory - SCALab, UMR 9193, CNRs / Université de Lille2 / Université de Lille 3).

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