Colloquium Polaris 04/23/2015

on April 23, 2015 at 2:00 pm

Speaker : Daniel Le Metayer

“Formal methods as a link between legal rules and software code: the case of privacy "

Abstract: The rapid evolution of the technological landscape and the impact of information technologies on the everyday life of citizens raise new challenges which cannot be tackled by a purely technological approach. Generally speaking, legal and technical means should complement each other to reduce risks for citizens and consumers : on one side, laws (or contracts) can provide assurances which are out of reach of technical means (or cope with situations where technical means would be defeated); on the other side, technology can help enforce legal and contractual commitments. This synergy should not be taken for granted however, and if legal issues are not considered from the outset, technological decisions made during the design phase may very well hamper or make impossible the enforcement of legal rights. However the consideration of legal constraints in the design phase is a challenge in itself, not least because of the gap between legal and technical communities and the difficulties to establish a common understanding of the concepts at hand. In this talk, we will advocate the use of formal methods to reduce this gap, taking examples in the privacy area.

Lieu : Ircica

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