AFIA Thesis Award 2015

on April 16, 2015

The jury of the AI Thesis Prize chaired by Luis Farinas del Cerro awarded:

  • An Accessit at the 2015 IA Thesis Prize (2nd place ex-aequo) to Victor Gabillon (Directors: Mohammad Ghavamzadeh & Philippe Preux), Budgeted Iteration Algorithms on Policies Obtained by Classification, LIFL & Inria Lille Nord - Europe, University of Lille 1.

  • An Accessit at the 2015 IA Thesis Prize (2nd place ex-aequo) in Bilal Piot (Directors: Olivier Pietquin and Mathieu Geist), Offline Learning with Expert Demonstration, Supélec IMS, Metz

Congratulations! Sequel Team Pricing History:

  • 2013: Alexandra Carpentier, tied 2nd

  • 2012: Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, ranked 1st

  • 2011: Sébastien Bubeck, ranked 2nd


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