Myself | Anamorphoses | Research

In search of generalization

Catoptric anamorphoses often use cylindrical, conical or pyramidal mirrors. Other mirror shapes are quite rare. After a survey of those unusual shapes, we define a general method for constructing catoptric anamorphoses.

Strange mirrors

May 4th, 2010

A survey

Few or nothing has be done till now for arbitrary shaped mirrors. We propose a method that can handle any kind of reasonnable shaped mirror, any observer's position, and any support for the locus where the distorted image lays.

A general method

This figure illustrates the principle behind our method. An observer is at point V. He looks at the mirror M. Suppose the image he wants to see in the mirror is on (virtual) screen E, while the distorted image will lay on plane P. principeInk A ray R1 comes from the observer's eye, go through the screen at point S1, hits the mirror in T1, is reflected and hits the plane P at point W1 . Thus, the color of W1 has to be set to the color of S1. If we were able to compute the coordinates of all Wi associated with each pixel of the original image laying on E, we would have solved the anamorphosis.
Fortunately, we can use the functionalities of ray tracers to achieve this task:

Once you know the coordinates of each Wi and the associated Si, you can use your favorite programming language to compute the distorted image, either directly or by interpolation.

More details can be found in this paper, presented Bridges 2010.
This page shows some achievements (virtual and real) based on this method.
This tutorial (to be amended soon) can help you concretely applying the method.