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  * EVOLILLE -- software Evolution @ Lille
  * Lille, Dec. 03-04, 2015

Wednesday 2 December 2015 - Journées RIMEL

Presentations in the Inria salle plénière (Bat A).

Thursday 3 December 2015

Location Inria Lille, Bat A, Salle plénière.

08h30 - 09h00 - Registration

09h00 - 09h20 - Welcome session

09h20 - 10h20 - Keynote session -- Tudor Girba

10h20 - 10h40 - Coffee break


Location Inria Lille, Bat B, Amphitheatre.


Location Inria Lille, Bat A, Salle plénière.

10h50 - 11h50 - Logs / Commits

Chair: Tom Mens
  • Skip Lentz, Martín Dias and Damien Cassou. Griotte: Improving Code Review with Fine-Grained IDE Events
  • Peter Senna Tschudin, Julia Lawall and Gilles Muller. 3L: Learning Linux Logging
  • Bilyaminu Auwal Romo and Andrea Capiluppi. Syncing Development Logs and Bug Tracking Systems

10h40 - 12h40 - Session Painful Bugs

  • Said Assar, Using text clustering to predict defect resolution time: A conceptual replication and an evaluation of prediction accuracy
  • Gema Rodriguez and Jesús M. González-Barahona, Bug Seeding: On the importance of the previous commit
  • Stefan Wagner, Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering: A Survey Design and German Results
  • Serge Demeyer, Research Methods in Computer Science

11h50 - 12h30 - Templates

Chair: Kim Mens
  • Gregorio Robles and Bogdan Vasilescu. From Python to Pythonic
  • Tim Molderez and Coen De Roover. A Search-based Recommender System for Source Code Templates

12h40 - 14h10 - Lunch

14h10 - 15:40 - Session Ecosystems

  • Loup Meurice, Anthony Cleve, Csaba Nagy, Tom Mens, Mathieu Goeminne and Alexandre Decan Analyzing the Evolution of Database Usage in Data-Intensive Software Systems
  • Nelson Sekitoleko, Eric Knauss, Daniela Damian and Imed Hammouda, The Role of Secondary Software in Automotive Ecosystems
  • Maëlick Claes, Tom Mens and Alexandre Decan Inter-component Dependency Issues in Software Ecosystems

15h40 - 16h10 - Coffee break

16:10 - 18h10 - Session Human aspects

  • Dominik Safaric, Estimated team size and its relation to software quality
  • Zeljko Obrenovic Hawthorne Studies and Their Relevance for Empirical Software Engineering
  • Stefan Wagner Links between the Personalities, Styles and Performance in Computer Programming
  • Sebastiano Panichella, Textual Analysis or Natural Language Processing? A Software Engineering Perspective

20:00 Banquet (Downtown Lille)

Friday 4 December 2015 - BENEVOL'2015

Location Inria Lille, Bat A, Salle plénière.

09h20 - 10h20 - Keynote session -- Roberto Di Cosmo

10h20 - 10h50 - Coffee break

10h50 - 11h50 - Tests

Chair: Jurgen Vinju

11h50 - 12h30 - Enlarging the vision: Input Sources

Chair: Serge Demeyer

12h40 - 14h10 - Lunch

14h10 - 15h10 - Quality

Chair: Alexander Serebrenik

15h10 - 15h40 - Coffee break

15h40 - 16h20 - Enlarging the vision: Time considerations

Chair: Laurence Duchien

16h20 - 16h30 - Closing session