Complex Functional Rates in Rule-Based Languages for Biochemistry.
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology (2012).
An Operational Petri Net Semantics for A2CCS.
Fundamenta Informaticae (2011).
An expressiveness study of priority in process calculi.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (2009).
Stochastic biological modelling in the presence of multiple compartments.
Theoretical Computer Science (2009).
Symmetry-Based Model Reduction for Approximate Stochastic Analysis.
Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB 2012).
Biochemical Reaction Rules with Constraints.
European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2011).
A Process Calculus for Expressing Finite Place/Transition Petri Nets.
Expressiveness in Concurrency (EXPRESS 2010).
Stochastic Modelling of Cellular Growth and Division by means of the π@ Calculus.
Dagstuhl Seminar in Formal Methods in Molecular Biology (2009).
On the Expressive Power of Restriction and Priorities in CCS with Replication.
Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures (FOSSACS 2009).
π@: A π-Based Process Calculus for the Implementation of Compartmentalised Bio-inspired Calculi.
International School on Formal Methods for Computational Systems Biology (SFM 2008).
Efficient Stochastic Simulation of Biological Systems with Multiple Variable Volumes.
From Biology to Concurrency and back (FBTC 2007).
Stochastic Simulation of Biological Systems with Dynamical Compartment Structure.
Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB 2007).
On the Expressive Power of Global and Local Priority in Process Calculi.
International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2007).
A core calculus for a comparative analysis of bio-inspired calculi.
European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2007).
Encoding catalytic P systems in π@.
Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi (MeCBIC 2006).
Towards a minimal calculus for complexation.
Technical report TR-09-09, Università di Pisa (2009).
A Core Calculus for the Analysis and Implementation of Biologically Inspired Languages.
Technical report TR-09-09, Università di Bologna (2009).