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Research record
- Doctorat de l’Université de Franche-Comté, mention Très Honorable.
Titre: Gestion de la mobilité dans les environnements de communication à objets.
Soutenance le 20 Novembre 1998 à Besançon
- Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
Infrastructures support aux activités et scénarios d'apprentissage – du LMS aux environnements ouverts et pervasifs
Ecole doctorale Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur de l'université Lille Nord-de-France
Current research
I am interested in the current developments in the domain of Personal Learning Environments (PLE). PLEs are ad hoc learning environments based on Web 2.0 services and information mashups. They are built by a user to support their learning goals. More precisely, I am concerned with the integration of the institutional space generally represented by the LMS and the personal space corresponding to the user's Web 2.0 services to provide a comprehensive user-centered learning environment in line with institutional constraints.
I am also interested in mobile learning again in relation with Web 2.0 services and social building of located information. This work as developed through the p-LearNet and AdContext projects.
Current projects
Still working on funding opportunities...
Past research projects
p-LearNet (2007-2010) is a research project about the use of mobile and pervasive technologies for workplace learning.
AdContext (2006-2010) is a collaborative research project involving Université Lille 1 as project coordinator, Institut Télécom as well as Université Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The project was
Kaleidoscope network of excellence
Action spécifique plates-formes pour les EIAH
PhD Thesis