Université de Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies


My teaching project consists of promoting the techniques, tools and methods for the analysis and design of information systems (operational and decision support ones) such as Data warehouse or data lake for processing, analysing and visualizing data. The following lectures are part of the Master SIAD (Information systems and decision) of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences in the curicula Business Intelligence Management Skills Training (BIMST), Business Intelligence Technical Skills Training (BITST) and Data Science (DS). All materials are available on Moodle.

Big Data
This lecture deals with the processing of large datasets. It aims at introducing the technologies of the Hadoop environment. After a short introduction of the data-oriented script language AWK, this lecture presents HDFS and the MapReduce design pattern. We also study the Pig Latin language for data flow management and the query language HiveQL and the cluster-computing framework Spark.
This lectures provide the theoretical background for the other relevant topics (Reporting, ETL, BI project). It is related to the multi-dimensional schemas. In this lecture, we present the motivations and objectives of a Data warehouse (DWH). We introduce the star/flake/constellation schemas. We define the OLAP cube and the various queries which can be performed (dice, slice, drill down/up, ...). The lecture focuses on the ETL (Extract/Transform/Load) process from relational database to the DWH. The notions are illustrated by examples using a reporting tool (Qlikview) and in SQL.
Information systems
This lecture focuses on the design of relational database. This is the common ground for all the other lectures which are related to IS: DBMS, DWH, ETL, SQL, etc. This lectures presents the RDBMS and the MERISE method.
Web programming
This course focuses on the coupling data/web. It gives to the students the knowledge and know-how to create a dynamic website for the visualization of data. This lecture presents the foundations of the Internet and the Web. We introduce the markup language HTML5, the Cascade style sheet (CSS) and the programming technologies (PHP) for interfacing a database (PDO). AJAX is also discussed.