Anne Etien

Participation to PhD jurys:
  • Jonathan Pepin "Architecture d'entreprise : alignement des cartographies métiers et applicatives du système d'informations" on 5th December 2016
  • Elie Richa "Testing of Model-based Code Generation Chains for their Qualification in the Avionics Domain", on 15th December 2015.
  • Dominique Blouin "Modeling Languages for Requirements Engineering and Quantitative Analysis of Embedded Systems", on 10th December 2013
  • Vincent Aranega (as supervisor) "Traçabilité pour la mise au point de modèles et la correction de transformations" on 28th November 2011
Co-Chair of the Program committee:
  • SCAM 2017 in Shanghai (I refuse for financial reasons)
  • IWST (International Workshop on Smalltalk Technology) 2015 in Brescia and 2016 in Prague
  • VISSOFT NIER and Tool Track in 2016, Artefact evaluation in 2015
  • MajecStic 2012
Member of the Organisation committee:
  • EvoLille week (Joint events of Benevol 2015 and EOSESE 2015)
  • Moose Day 2013
  • Journées IDM et Gdr GPL 2011
Member of numerous program committees of conference
Referee for numerous journals