International ModEasy'07 Workshop
17th September 2007, Barcelona, Spain
In conjunction with
Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL'07)
The ModEasy'07 Workshop is organized in the scope of the ModEasy project. This project is intended to develop software tools and techniques to help the reliable design of embedded systems using advanced development and verification methodologies. These tools will be evaluated on automotive applications domain, such as reactive cruise control and anti-collision radar. However, the derived approaches will be applied for generic embedded systems in any safety and mission critical applications in the wider industrial domain.
Areas of Interests
- Applications and algorithms for automotive domain
- Execution platform of automotive applications (FPGA, MPSoC, etc)
- Technology design related topics
Workshop Program
Two sessions are planned in the afternoon:- First Session (Synthesis and Simulation)
15:00-15:30 Project Presentation (Prof. Jean-Luc Dekeyser)
15:30-15:50 A Model Driven Engineering Design Flow to Generate VHDL (Sébastien Le Beux, INRIA-FUTURS)
15:50-16:10 Mapping the Design of Repetitive Structures onto VHDL (S.K.Wood, Kent University)
16:10-16:30 From High Level MPSoC description to SystemC Code Generation (Rabie Ben Atitallah, INRIA-FUTURS)
- 16:30-16:50 Coffee Break
- Second Session (Model and application)
16:50-17:10 Towards an MDD based Tool for Verifying Embedded Systems (D.H.Akehurst, Kent University)
17:10-17:30 New Time Delay Estimators for Coded Anti-Collision Radar (Jamal Zaidouni, Valenciennes University)
17:30-17:50 Intelligent Cruise Controller System with GPS and Radar (Yasin Elhilali, Valenciennes University)
- 17:50-19:30 Open discussion and Workshop closure
Workshop Proceedings
We propose for all partners to prepare a short paper (4 pages) per presentation. All proposals will be reviewed and published in the Workshop proceedings. The Latex template can be downloaded here.
The Workshop proceedings can be found here.
Travel and Hotel information
The workshop ModEasy'07 will be held in the Casa Convalescencia UAB building (Campus Barcelona) ( to get to Casa de Convalescencia UAB?
From the airport, take the R10 line until the Estacio de Sants and then change to L5 metro line until the station of Hospital de Sant Pau and the Casa de Convalescencia is at 200 m on the corner of Carrer Sant Quinti and Carrer Sant Antoni M. Claret.
This is a list of Hotels downtown (near Placa Catalunya). UAB campus is accessible by train.
Avd/Hospital 64, 8001 Barcelona.
Tel 93 443 86 10; Email:
Hotel H10 Universitat (Price around 75 Euros)
Ronda Universitat, 21
Tel.: +34.93 343 79 93; Fax.: +34.93 317 11 55
Hotel REDING (Price around 150 Euros)
Gravina, 5
Tel: + 34.93.4121097; Fax: +34.93.2683482
Email: (better fax)
Hotel GRAVINA (Price around 150 Euros)
Gravina, 12
Tel.: +34.93.3016868; Fax: +3493. 3172838
Hotel SPLENDID (Price around 150 Euros)
Muntaner, 2
Tel.: +34.93.4512142
Hotel Vila Campus (Inside the UAB Campus,Price around 75 Euros)
Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra
Tel.: +34.93.5808353
Workshop Chairs
General ChairsJean-Luc Dekeyser: University of Lille (LIFL/INRIA-FUTURS), France
Atika Menhaj-Rivencq: University of Valenciennes (IEMN - OAE department ), France
Klaus D. McDonald-Maier: University of Essex, United Kingdom
Gareth Howells: University of Kent (Department of Electronics ), United Kingdom
Program ChairRabie Ben Atitallah: University of Lille (LIFL/INRIA-FUTURS), France
Session ChairSébastien Le Beux: University of Lille (LIFL/INRIA-FUTURS), France
Steering CommitteePierre Boulet: University of Lille (LIFL/INRIA-FUTURS), France
Rabie Ben Atitallah: University of Lille (LIFL/INRIA-FUTURS), France