Important date

  • Paper submission: May, 15 2010 June 15, 2010
  • Session/Tutorial submission: May 15, 2010
  • Paper notification: July 15, 2010
  • Session/Tutorial notification: June 15, 2010
  • Conference: October 27-31, 2010

Site Search


  • Meta submissions are only 2 pages abstracts in ENGLISH
  • Only PDF is accepted
  • Steps:
  1. Create an account on easy chair
  2. Use latex or word format files modele_meta.doc
  3. Choose your session: it is better to submit to a special session that fits to your paper (choose a special session here) and choose the name of the session at the beginning of the submission, but you could also choose META'08 if you don't find any session that correspond to the topic of your paper.
  4. To Submit a paper click here
  5. You will receive an automatic email to confirm the submission.
  6. You can update your submission until the deadline.