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9.10  Transfert de fichiers

msc12% ftp
Connected to  
220 douglas FTP server (UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0) ready.  
Name ( marquet 
331 Password required for marquet.  
230 User marquet logged in.  
Remote system type is Unix.  
ftp> cd /tmp 
250 CWD command successful.  
ftp> ls 
200 PORT command successful.  
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.  
ar.c ax.c 
226 Transfer complete.  
ftp> lcd tmp 
Local directory now /home/enseign/marquet/tmp 
ftp> get ax.c 
200 PORT command successful.  
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ax.c (4932 bytes).  
226 Transfer complete.  
4932 bytes received in 0.37 seconds (13 Kbytes/s) 
ftp> !cc ax.c -o ax 
ftp> bin 
200 Type set to I.  
ftp> put ax 
200 PORT command successful.  
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ax (87338 bytes).  
226 Transfer complete.  
87338 bytes sent in 1.9 seconds (45 Kbytes/s) 
ftp> quit 
221 Goodbye.
msc12% ftp
Connected to  
220 beta Microsoft FTP Service (Version 1.0).  
Name ( anonymous 
331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
230-NEW: You are on a brand new server 
 If you find some problems, please refer 
 them to
 Doing so you will help us to provide you a better service.  
230 Anonymous user logged in as IUSR_BETA.  
Remote system type is Windows_NT.  
ftp> dir 
200 PORT command successful.  
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.  
---------- 1 owner group   2773877 Aug  9 11:13 ls-lR.Z 
---------- 1 owner group      6296 Aug 12 10:06 MIRRORS
d--------- 1 owner group       512 Sep  5 13:30 pub 
---------- 1 owner group      1660 Apr 19  8:50 README 
226 Transfer complete.

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