





Press articles



European projects:
MIDAS: Multimodal Interface for Disabled and Ageing Society (ITEA2 – 2008-2011)

CAM4HOME: Collaborative aggregative Multimedia for Home and domestic applications (ITEA2 – 2007-2010)
Silver award for the ITEA2/ARTEMIS Co-Summit 2010.

MIAUCE: Multimodal Interaction analysis of User behavior in a controlled Environment (STREP / 2006-2009)
The project was in the top 3 projects, between 80 STREP projects submitted to the call “Multimodal interfaces”, FP6 projects. We leaded (scientifically and administratively) the project.

French national projects - Research National Agency (ANR):

PERCOL: Person recognition in audiovisual content. Project of the program: Content and Interactions, multimedia challenge: Person recognition in audiovisual content, 2010-2013

CANADA: Abnormal Behaviours: Detection, alarm, reaction, Project of the national network on system concepts and tools for global security (CSOSG), 2007 – 2010

ANAFIX: Analysis if ocular fixations of users on dynamic support (movies and advertisements). Project of the French National network of innovation in audiovisual and multimedia (RIAM), 2006-2009.

AVERROES: Optimization of standardized multimedia and audiovisual descriptions for indexing and retrieval. Project of the French National network of innovation in audiovisual and multimedia (RIAM), 2003-2006.

Regional projects:

 ANAXA-VIDA: Analysis of customer behaviour by extraction and correlation of data extracted of videos and commercial transactions, 2007-2010. Project is labeled by the pole of competitive industry of commerce. 

 CIFRE Grant: Workflow mining, with SNEDA company. (2003 – 2006).

 CIFRE Grant : Web usage mining for web archives, with Audiovisual National Institute (INA). (2001-2005).


 GEREQ - NSF n° 9905603: Geography REsource discovery and Querying management.

 OLADI-2001 (ANVAR project): Tools for archives and e-commerce of images. The project received the award of the 1st and 3rd French national competition related business innovation, under the supervision of the research ministry and ANVAR.


Patent n° 01 13525 of 19/10/2001 "automatic clustering of images for indexing".

Patent n° 01 13524 of 19/10/2001 "Management of virtual memory, for very large index".

Soleau documents, registered in 1999, n° 55132 071099 et n° 55131 071099.

Press articles:

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