Welcome to WCTA 2021

The 16th Workshop on Compression, Text and Algorithms (WCTA 2021) will be held the day after SPIRE. WCTA is a an annual workshop intended for early-stage researchers to present their work on compression, data structures, and string processing topics. There are no published proceedings so the results presented can also be submitted to most other workshops and conferences. It will be held online on October 7th, 2021.

Important Dates


Registration are free but mandatory to access the live events. Please refer to SPIRE registration.


Abstracts were submitted in PDF format (1-3 pages) on EasyChair.

The abstracts submitted will not be published in proceedings. Hence they can be submitted elsewhere.


All times are CEST (ie. GMT+2).

Time Papers
10.45 am Opening
11 am Computation of Variations of the LZ77 factorization and the LPF Array with Suffix Trees [slides] [talk] Dominik Köppl
11.30 am FM-Indexing Grammars Induced by Suffix Sorting for Long Patterns [slides] [talk] Jin Jie Deng, Win-Kai Hon, Dominik Köppl and Kunihiko Sadakane
12 pm Online MUMs with PHONI [slides] [talk] Giuseppe Romana, Sara Giuliani and Massimiliano Rossi
12.30 pm The W+ tree – a dynamic access/rank/select data structure [slides] [talk] Uwe Baier and Sebastian Reyes Häusler
2 pm Prefix-free parsing for time-efficient BWT tunneling [slides] [talk] Adrián Goga, Andrej Baláž and Lucas Pansani Ramos
2.30 pm Improving on PFP: AuPair [slides] [talk] Marco Oliva, Davide Cenzato, Massimiliano Rossi, Travis Gagie and Christina Boucher
3 pm Interval Mapping of BWT-runs to Efficiently Compute LF in O(r) Space [slides] [talk] Nathaniel K. Brown
3.30 pm Speeding Up Compressed Suffix Array Queries [slides] [talk] Herman Perera, Massimiliano Rossi and Christina Boucher
4 pm Disk compression of k-mer sets [slides] [talk] Amatur Rahman, Rayan Chikhi and Paul Medvedev

Program chair

Mikaël Salson (Université de Lille) – mikael.salson@univ-lille.fr