We are a research group at CRIStAL (Research center in Computer Science, Signal and Automatic Control of Lille, University of Lille and CNRS). Our goal is to define combinatorial models and efficient algorithms for large-scale sequence analysis in molecular biology. This includes high throughput sequencing data analysis, genome annotation, metagenomics, RNAs, genome rearrangements, non ribosomal peptides.



The list is here.

Our software

See also our software server and our github repository

Bonsai team

Around the world: back from Kilimandjaro, in Tahiti, near the polar circle


How to find us

Lille is located in Northern France.

Université de Lille - Campus scientifique
Bâtiment ESPRIT
Avenue Henri Poincaré
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq

Position in Europe

Position relative to Lille

CRIStAL        cnrs        Université de Lille

The bonsai picture is by Noj Han under the CC BY SA license.