Technical program |
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Monday 12th January
2:00 - Opening
2:30 - Invited Speaker: David Corne - "Psychic
machines: mind-reading with machine learning"
4:00 - Session : Algorithm Selection and Configuration
- 42 - From Sequential
Algorithm Selection to Parallel Portfolio Selection
Marius Lindauer, Holger Hoos and Frank
- 36 - An Algorithm Selection Benchmark
of the Container Pre-Marshalling Problem
Kevin Tierney and Yuri Malitsky.
- 55 - ADVISER: A Web-based Algorithm Portfolio Deviser
Mustafa Misir, Stephanus Daniel Handoko and Hoong Chuin
- 60 - Grammar-based Generation of Stochastic Local Search
Heuristics Through Automatic Algorithm Configuration
Franco Mascia, Manuel López-Ibáñez,
Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, and Thomas Stützle
Tuesday 13th January
9:00 - Invited speaker: Rémi Munos - "The
optimistic principle applied to function optimization and
10:00 - Session: Learning
- 18 - Identifying best hyperparameters for deep architectures
using random forests
Zhenzhen Li, Zhuoyao Zhong and Lianwen
- 2 - Genetic Programming, Logic Design and
Case-Based Reasoning for Obstacle Avoidance
Andy Keane.
- 50 - Minimizing total tardiness on
identical parallel machines using VNS with learning memory
Eduardo Lalla Ruiz and Stefan Voss.
- 3 - Dynamic service selection with optimal
stopping and 'trivial choice'
O. Skroch.
- 41 - A
Comparative Study on Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution
Algorithms on Both Test Functions and a Real-World Problem
Shota Eguchi, Yuki Matsugano, Hirokazu Sakaguchi, Satoshi Ono,
Hisato Fukuda, Ryo Furukawa and Hiroshi Kawasaki.
2:00 - Tutorial: Sébastien Verel - "Fitness
landscape: the metaphor and beyond."
4:30 - Session: Fitness Landscape
- 31 - Empirical Analysis of Operators for Permutation Based Problems
Pierre Desport, Matthieu Basseur, Adrien Goeffon, Frederic Lardeux and Frédéric Saubion.
- 48 - Fitness
Landscape of the Factoradic Representation on the
Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem
Marie-Eleonore Marmion and Olivier Regnier-Coudert.
- 16 - Exploring non-neutral Landscapes with
neutrality-based Local Search
Matthieu Basseur, Adrien Goëffon and Hugo
Wednesday 14th January
9:00 - Invited speaker: Alex Freitas - "Automating the
Design of Decision Tree Algorithms with Evolutionary
10:30 - Session: Applications
- 5 -A Selector Operator Based Adaptative Large
Neighborhood Search for the Covering Tour Problem
Leticia Vargas, Nicolas Jozefowiez and Sandra Ulrich
- 45 - Metaheuristics for the
Two-Dimensional Container Pre-Marshalling Problem
Alan Tus, Andrea Rendl and Günther Raidl.
- 52 - Improving the State of the Art in Inexact TSP
Solving using Per-Instance Algorithm Selection
Lars Kotthoff, Pascal Kerschke, Holger Hoos and Heike
- 24 - A Biased Random
Key Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Knapsack Assignment
Eduardo Lalla Ruiz and Stefan
- 58 - An hybrid
metaheuristic for the Unit Commitment
Sophie Jacquin, Laetitia Jourdan and
Talbi El-Ghazali.
2:00 - Invited Speaker: Daniel Le Berre - "From Boolean
Satisfaction To Boolean Optimization: Application To
Dependency Management"
3:30 - Session: Dynamic Optimization
- 27 - Annealing-Pareto Multi-Objective Multi-Armed
Bandit Algorithm
Saba Yahyaa, Madalina Drugan and Bernard
- 26 - Pure-exploration Pareto front identification algorithms for
stochastic environments
Madalina Drugan and Ann Nowé.
4:30 - Session: Best paper
- 54 - OSCAR: Online Selection of Algorithm Portfolios
with Case Study on Memetic Algorithms
Mustafa Misir, Stephanus Daniel Handoko and Hoong
Chuin Lau.
- 11 - Generating Training Data for Learning Linear
Composite Dispatching Rules for Scheduling
Helga Ingimundardottir and Thomas
- 44 - Learning a hidden Markov model-based
Willem Van Onsem, Bart Demoen and Patrick De
Thursday 15th January
9:00 - Session: Multi-Objective
- 49 - Comparison of Parameter Control Mechanisms in
Multi-objective Differential Evolution
Martin Drozdik, Hernan Aguirre, Youhei Akimoto and Kiyoshi
- 32 - A practical
case of the multiobjective knapsack problem: Design,
modelling, tests and analysis
Brahim Chabane,
Matthieu Basseur and Jin-Kao Hao.
- 21 - A
Bayesian approach to constrained multi-objective
Paul Feliot, Julien Bect and
Emmanuel Vazquez.
- 28 - Pareto Fronts for MultiZeno
Alexandre Quemy, Marc Schoenauer, Vincent Vidal,
Johann Dréo and Pierre Savéant.
10:30 - Session Max-Clique Problems
- 13 - Incremental
MaxSAT Reasoning to Reduce Branches in a Branch-and-Bound
Algorithm for MaxClique
Chu-Min Li, Hua Jiang
and Ru-Chu Xu.
- 15 - Reusing the same coloring in the child nodes of the
search tree for the maximum clique problem
- Alexey
Nikolaev, Mikhail Batsyn and Pablo San Segundo.
11:30 - Session Bayesian Optimization and Global Optimization
- 33 - A warped
kernel improving robustness in Bayesian optimization via
random embeddings
Mickael Binois, David
Ginsbourger and Olivier Roustant.
- 59 - Approximate Bayesian Recursive Estimation
- 22 - Making EGO and CMA-ES Complementary for Global
Hossein Mohammadi, Rodolphe Le Riche and Eric
2:00 - Tutorial - Thomas Stutzle, Manuel Lopez-Ibanez -
"Automatic Algorithm Configuration: From Parameter Tuning to
Automatic Design"
4:30 Session: Data Mining
- 46 - Programming by Optimisation meets
Parameterised Algorithmics: A Case Study for Cluster Editing
Sepp Hartung and Holger Hoos.
- 57 - MO-Mineclust: A framework for multi-objective
Benjamin Fisset, Laetitia Jourdan and Clarisse
- 38 - A Software
Interface for Supporting the Application of Data Science to
Andrew J. Parkes, Ender Ozcan and
Daniel Karapetyan.