Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26
8h15 Welcome and coffee
8h45 Introductory talk
9h00 Peter Kunkel

Treating General Differential-Algebraic Equations Numerically

François Boulier

Symbolic Integration of Differential Fractions

Thierry Combot

Application of differential Galois theory to dynamical systems

9h30 Wilfrid Perruquetti

Algebraic paradigms for estimation

10h00 Jacques-Arthur Weil

An effective version of the Morales-Ramis-Simo integrability theorem

Pablo Solernò

Effective differential Nullstellensatz for ordinary DAEs over the complex numbers

10h30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11h00 Ricardo Riaza

Differential-algebraic equations in electrical and electronic engineering

Ned Nedialkov

Structural Analysis and Numerical Solution of High-Index Differential-Algebraic Equations

Alban Quadrat

Algebraic D-modules: New algorithmic results and applications

12h00 Guillaume Chèze

An efficient algorithm for computing rational first integrals of polynomial vector fields

Karim Alloula

An index reduction method by deflation for solving DAE - Main principles and application to reactive Rayleigh distillation

Brahim Sadik

An extended Lüroth – Ritt theorem in differential algebra

12h30 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14h15 Bernard Malgrange

The equivalence problem: bounds for involutivity

Werner Seiler

Singularities and Bifurcations of Ordinary Differential Equations

Chun-Ming Yuan

Sparse differential and-or difference resultants

14h45 Claude Mitschi

Monodromy of parametrized linear differential systems

15h15 Michael Wibmer

Linear differential equations and difference algebraic groups

Carlos Arreche

A Galois-theoretic proof of the differential transcendence of the incomplete Gamma function

Omar Leon Sanchez

On the Galois theory of differential logarithmic equations

15h45 Coffee break Coffee break End
16h15 Markus Lange-Hegermann

Thomas Decomposition of Differential Systems

Julien Roques

Integrability by discrete quadratures

16h45 Anja Korporal

Computing with generalized Green's operators as ordinary integro-differential operators

Open discussion
20h00 Conference dinner