Conference dinner

The conference dinner will start at 8 PM, on June 25, at the restaurant "La Chicorée", located 15, place Rihour, in Lille (subway station: Rihour).

Conference location

The conference is organized in the Engineering School Polytech'Lille, located on the campus of the University Lille 1. The talks will be organized in the amphitheater Migeon.

Address: Polytech'Lille, Avenue Paul Langevin, Cité Scientifique, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. Map.

The University is located in Villeneuve d'Ascq a city close to Lille.

Directions (new)

The easiest way to go the conference location is to use the subway (operated by the Transpole Company).

From the station "Gare Lille Europe", reach the "Gare Lille Flandres" station with the line number 2 (only one stop, around 1 minute), and follow indications below.

From the station "Gare Lille Flandres" take the line number 1 and travel to the terminus station "4 Cantons - Grand Stade" (around 12 minutes).

Once you have reached the "4 Cantons - Grand Stade" station, follow the following map to get to the Ecole Polytech Lille (5 minutes walk). Hopefully, you should also see signs with DART V indicating the directions.

Tourist Office

The tourist office is located downtown at the Place Rihour (Rihour stop on the subway Line). More information on the tourist office site.


The center of Lille is only 15mins away from the conference location using the subway. There are many hotels in Lille with affordable prices:

People who prefer to stay on the University can go to the Ascotel, located on the campus (3min from the conference location)

To contact local organizers, please send an email to